Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wellness - Round 2


Ok, so I started this Round with the 8x8 and hope to expand upon it. I generally do drink a lot of water, but I'm also going to try to cut out a lot of other beverages I drink. Less soda and the like. And I've been making sugar-free green and white iced-teas to drink at home, which I have been enjoying more than I thought I would. Next I need to add in some healthy juices!

For a second item, I'm sticking in my own. I've tried to quit smoking numerous times using everything from the gum, patch to the obvious cold turkey/scaling down the amount I smoke. So I went to the doctor recently and Monday I'll be going on - for better or worse - Chantix in yet another attempt to stop smoking. Though I must say, I feel good about this one ...

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